Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The lucky SEVEN?

I have SEVEN days until I step feet at Kampala, Uganda soil. Its getting closer for me to leave my mother, my mexican food, my home church (First Baptist Church), my boyfriend, my friends and best friend, my bed, I can go on and on what I am leaving behind for three months.

Yes its only THREE MONTHS but so much can happen in THREE months.

People left and right ask me.... "Are you ready for Africa?" Well your fake answer will be yes I am so excited to go, and your real human nature answer will be.. No I am mix of emotions and I am scared to death...

Guess whats my answer to this question?????? I am scared to death.

But every time this negative thoughts come into my mind God always reminds me how faithfull He is, how big He is in camparison to Africa and the wild animals out there. All I can say is that God as been showing himself to me more and more when time comes for me to look back at this tiny Texas to follow Him to Uganda. I think the only exitment I get about this is when I am talking to my best friend Nic. Yes I look at Show mercy (the organazation I am sponsored by) blog, facebook, pictures for I can just grasp how is going to be like but even that I can not compare how I am going to react to this big change for three months.

FYI I decided to wash clothes by hand for three months so wish me luck and pray for me. The reason I decided to do this is because I want to experience every single thing how they live down there. Maybe eat some bugs while I am at it but I am not sure yet about that one..

The reason why I am going to Africa...........

I have so many confirmations how God has shown me that He wants me to go, and let me tell you about one of them. First, it was through Hes word. Second, was at Passion 2013 when 60,000 thousand students and teachers were praying for countries. My section was assign to pray for Kampala Uganda?? And that moment I felt chills running through my back. Before Passion 2013 I decided to tell Mike Salley the director of Show Mercy that I was not ready for this trip and that I will do it another time.. But at that moment I prayed this fearful prayer to My Heavenly Father that if this for the 100 time is what God wants me to do for Him to show some one out there in that section to pray for me because I could not pray for my own self.
Then, when my boyfriend and I went up the stairs to drop food in a box for homeless people I started talking to this lady name Mandy. Mandy and I got a little personal and I finally told her about me going to Kampala and that I prayed this prayer that someone will pray for me blah blah... She started tearing up and telling me that God has put someone at that moment when every one was praying for the countries for that specific person to be obedient and just GO!... OMGOSH!!!!! She was praying for ME, it was so clear in my face that He was telling me to follow Him to Kampala Uganda. We both wept and at that moment we just knew that God was clear and that He used Mandy to tell me face to face because I will not listen.

 This is my struggle following after someone thats not flesh and blood. Yes I am going to Kampala and its going to be amazing but still walking with Him is a struggle but Oh man how much love He has showed me in those harships and tells me that He is the  BIG GUY UPSTAIRS HEEHEE.... (O'I can not wait to meet Him in person)

So YES this is MY LUCKY 7 DAY WEEK until I leave for Kampala Uganda with my Heavenly Father to tell those people that there is a  Savior Jesus Christ that loves them so much.


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