Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Officially a Mzungu


I wish I can have a one on one date right now with each of you to tell you all my experiences in Wakiso Uganda. Its only been eight days and I have SOOOO much stories how God has been moving here in Uganda and even in me and I still have three more months to experience more of what God has in store.

Let me start to thank all my sponsers for providing for my trip may God Bless you in many ways. I can not wait to share with you guys about Gods people in Uganda.

So I am going to serve the Lord every Mondays at Wakiso Clinic. It was my second day going and God put it on my heart to serve there. When I first visit, the Lord lead me to encourage His women and share my testimony. After we were done praying over them I found out that thirty women accepted Christ into there lives. THIRTY WOMEN! Praise the Lord. I think to myself what about if I and the other interns did not share about our treasure, Jesus, they would of never saw His grace. They probably will not taste His living water, His love. They would of been missing out of this beautiful Jesus that loves us so much. I am so glad I was open to try this Wakiso Clinic out. Then on my second day to Wakiso Clinic was a aw experience how God of the universe used me and the Erina (translater) to be used for His Kingdom. God does not need me guys to do all of this amazing work for His Kingdom but He does because He loves me. Because He loves us in general!!!!!!!!!

God used me to lead some one to Christ at the Wakiso Clinic and I was (mouth open) thrilled. I never done this guys at all. I am the seed planter and at that moment I and Erina watered that beautiful rose that needed to bloom. Her name was Margerate. Please be praying and praising God for Margerate. I hope I will see her again. She was so happy to hear about Jesus Christ she clapped with thanksgiving that Erina and I stoped to talk to her. It feels like a dream someone please pinch me.

Then I met this young lady name Lilian and she was probably about 17 years old. FYI alot of people here in Uganda does not know there own age. God used me to encourage this young lady that was going through problems at home like being abuse, needing money for school and food. Psalm 139 was Her highlight Psalm and she even read it out loud to me. She was so thirsty to hear Gods word I love it!

"I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made"
Psalm 139:14

When Lilian read those words out loud she has no excuse to believe the truth how God views Her. The weird thing was Psalm 139 was shared by Mike and Lorrey (founders of Show Mercy) that same morning how God loves us and how He thinks about us more than we can number the sand. Its cool how that same verse minister to Lilian and I the same day.

Mzungu means= American :  ) heehee

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